We accept returns and exchanges of goods in good condition within 7 days from the date of receipt of the order. To initiate a return or exchange, the following conditions must be met: the items must not have been used, and they must retain their original appearance.

To proceed with an exchange or return, please send photos of the product from all angles or a video confirming the product’s quality. Please ensure that the packaging is securely packed in a sturdy shipping box.

Please note: All shipping costs are borne by the customer. If the quality of the item does not meet the required standards, it will be returned to the customer at their expense. If the item is damaged during delivery, the exchange or return will not be confirmed, and the item will be returned to the customer at their expense.

To initiate a return or exchange, please send a request to info@monetre.com.ua.

Refunds will be processed to your account within 7 business days from the date the goods are accepted for return. Please be aware that original and return shipping fees will not be credited back.