Returns and exchanges

We accept returns and exchanges of goods of proper quality within 7 business days from the date of receipt of the order. The following conditions must be met in order to return or exchange the goods: the goods have not been used and their original appearance has been preserved.

Products made to individual measurements are not subject to return.

To start the exchange/return procedure, please send us photos of the product taken from different angles or a video confirming the quality of the product. It is especially important to take photos of the inside of the corset, the hem of the dress and the lacing of the corset.

Please note: all shipping costs are the responsibility of the buyer. If the quality of the item does not meet the required standards, it will be returned to the buyer at his/her expense. If the item is damaged during delivery, no exchange/refund will be confirmed and the item will be returned to the buyer at his/her expense.

For returns and exchanges, send a request to

Refunds will be credited to your account within 7 business days of accepting the item for return. Please note that return shipping costs and taxes will not be included in the refund amount.